Published 2008-06-11 00:00:00
[UPDATE] = Roo's build scrips now use gnome seed.
As I mentioned before, I've been busy getting the Ext Fork usable. still not quite there, but it's beginning to take shape.
The fork I did of dmdscript (initially for gtk bindings) is being used as the core for all the build tools I'm working on for RooJS, so I though in honour of it's main use, I'll rename it rooscript (as it's a lot easier to google for than gtkDjs or whatever I came up with before..)
So here's a quick howto for building and testing the kit so far.
First install gdc and subversion (I prefer it to dmd, as it's easier and quicker to set up and use)
#apt-get install gdc
#apt-get install subversion
decide where you want your code checked out to.
#cd /usr/src
#svn co
#cd rooscript
you should hopefully now have /usr/bin/roolite
#cd /usr/src
#svn co
#cd roojs1
#roolite ../rooscript/examples/jstoolkit2/run.js \
-- Array.js Date.js Function.js Number.js Roo.js String.js \
-r Roo -t=../rooscript/examples/jstoolkit2/templates/jsdoc/ \
#roolite buildSDK/bundle_build.js -L../rooscript/examples/jstoolkit2